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Raising War (RW) is a vast strategy game full of various features that can be overwhelming at first. There are three strategies to remember about RW: manage your empire, build an army, and expand your power. This guide will go into detail on each of these three strategies.


When a player first logs onto RW, they'll be presented their empire's districts and game reports. Districts are the epicenter of Raising War; the more districts an empire has, the more power that empire gains. Click here to learn more about district management.

Along with managing a district, each district should be protected. A player's districts are able to be captured. The only exception to this rule is the player's captial, their starting district. Find more information about defending your empire and it's districts here.

Low on resources? Try visiting the economy help page to see ways of generating additional resources.


Rather it's with a player or with zombies, war is always present in Raising War. See players that you're able to attack in the player rankings. Players that you're able to attack will have an Attack link next to their ranking statistics. Be aware that the player you're about to attack must be at most 30% less than your total population. The attack system is based on your military's offense and defense, a more in depth look on the attack system can be found here.

Troops are needed to explore locations. If an exploration fails, your troops risk being spotted by a zombie. Being spotted by a zombie, allows the horde of infected to find your empire and attack your districts. An attack timer will display, showing the incoming threat.


To be the best, you must be competitive. Eventually creating new districts will become too expensive and conquering other players' districts may become necessary. Being apart of a pact can provide useful alliances in tough situations.