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Attacking Players

To attack players, click Ranks and click the Attack link. This will take you to the attack screen.

If the name of the player is not entered, enter it. Then input how many troops you wish to send for the attack.

Attacking Basics

Attacking is based on your military's offense. When you are attacking a player, you need a high offense to overtake their defense. Defenders always receive a 15% defensive bonus while Attackers receive a 10-20% offensive bonus.

If you attack a player and defeat their non-stationed troops and their non-capital district's stationed troops, then you will conquer that district.

If you fail to defeat all defenders but still win the battle, you will receive plunder for the amount of enemies you kill. If you lose the attack, you lose any sort of reward.

Damage protection (DP) is given to a player who lost a district and to the player who gained the district. DP expires in 8-24 hours or when the player builds military units.

Defending Basics

Defensive troops are units whom have higher defense than offense. Generally these troops are recommended for defending your empire.

Stationing troops is key to keeping a district well guarded. Before you station troops you must have already built them. Read more about building troops at the military help section. To station troops, simply click a district and select Station Troops.

Enter the amount of troops to station. You can station up to 1,000 troops in each district. Remember, troops that are not stationed in a district are open to first wave attacks.